House Trevethan

3 Myths About Outsourcing Your Technology Needs

by | Apr 30, 2019 | Blog

Myth #1: A Technology Partner Won’t Understand My Company Culture & Consequently My Needs Will Be Ignored.

This is a pseudo-myth! This scenario is certainly possible if you select your technologies provider poorly. Well-structured, experienced technologies providers have worked with Startups, scenarios when small but growing concerns as a business matures occurs, and businesses experiencing medium to large capital investment growth. Within these scenarios, each company has its own way of managing the relationship, communicating, managing project tasks and artifacts, inter-departmental processes, and procurement requirements.

Despite these scenarios, the responsibility lies on you when it comes to how well your technologies partner harmonize with your company culture. That is why it is essential to have a more inclusive relationship and a dedicated team that understands your business technology needs!

House Trevethan has the knowledge and expertise to help your business plan, implement, and maintain your project while simultaneously working with you and your team to ensure success! We strive to understand your company’s culture ensuring your business technology needs will be met! You will have the confidence that your company’s goals have been successfully achieved! Imagine this scenario where you are the rockstar! House Trevethan will help you get there!

Myth #2: They Will Not Be Available When I Really Need Something!

It’s 5 PM, do you know where your developer is? What about their supervisor? When the responsibility lies upon you to ensure the project needs are met, this scenario is quite stressful!

If you are choosing a top-tier technology team, this scenario is no longer a threat! A proper technology team should be able to quickly respond to your needs even if it occurs after hours and especially in a situation when an emergency occurs.

Our customers routinely tell us that we are easier to reach than their internal technologies staff. The reason is simple: instead of punching in at 8 AM and punching out at 5 PM we are constantly and consistently working toward your established goals. We have developers, programmers, and designers dedicated and committed to your business’s success. Combine that goals-based model with the communications tools we bring to every project and you can get a more rapid response than you’ve come to expect every time!

Myth #3: Outsourcing Technology Is Not a Good Business Model

It was hard to save this one for last!

“Outsourcing” is a large leaky boat a lot of people are trying to get out of – mostly because there have been two sides at the table who weren’t completely honest with each other.

On one side of the table are the many technology providers who went to low-skilled, low-cost resources to keep their cost of doing business low. On the other side of the table are companies who know this and decide they will “outsource” the things they are failing at internally. They then structure a deal so there are penalties when the technology provider can’t do what the company also can’t do (but at least the CEO sees them trying and getting that money back). When you ask either party about that relationship, you’re getting the, “It’s complicated” look.

Most of the problem with “Outsourcing” has not been a business model, but a misaligned relationship.

Our model is very different – and it’s not Outsourcing. We partner with you!

Our clients hire us as their preferred Strategic Partner because we bring a methodical approach to helping them solve the technologies challenges they are facing. Our goal is to make the partnership evident by how we communicate and seek responsibility. Our clients know when they ask for something that a solution is not only possible, but close at hand!

Speaking to business model – one that includes your department not having to post positions, interview, onboard, insure, and buy tools for highly skilled technologists- seems like a very good model. A solid technologies partner has already solved all of that! House Trevethan partners with you, finds solutions, and ensures your success! Contact Us Today for your Complimentary Consultation!