Understanding a Fractional CTO Have you ever heard of a Chief Technology Officer (CTO) but wondered what a fractional CTO is? Let's break it down. A fractional CTO is an experienced technology...
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The Power of an Advisor
Unleash the full potential of your business with House Trevethan’s expert advisory and consulting services. Our team of seasoned professionals will guide you through the intricate world of software solutions, ensuring that you navigate the digital landscape with confidence and clarity. Let us be your trusted partner in technology, helping you achieve success and growth in today’s ever-evolving tech-driven world.
How to Pick a Software Solution for your Business
How To Pick a Software Solution for your Business There's a lot of services out there on the market these days. There's software out there to manage your customers, finances, passwords, to-do lists,...
Website Hosting & Why
In today's digital landscape, a reliable online presence is pivotal for businesses of all sizes. Managed hosting emerges as a beacon of stability and performance, offering a suite of services that...
Transforming B2B Operations with AI and Machine Learning
In today’s fast-paced business environment, AI and machine learning are revolutionizing B2B operations, driving efficiency, and unlocking new opportunities. Here’s how these cutting-edge...
Why is a CRM Important?
A robust and well organized Customer Relationship Management system is critical to accelerating your business’ sales goals and customer data fidelity.